2022 Summer Meet Schedule
Summer 2022 Is going to be loaded with fun! This summer we are returning to club favorite meets as well as trying out some new ones!

June 10th
Entries for the meet must be in by Thursday June 9th so that "Prom Dates" can be decided. Vaulters will compete in a relay scored meet where "prom dates" heights are combined to determine a winner.
June 17th/ 18th
QCVA 3 Left Challenge
3 Lefts. 6 Steps. 0 exceptions. In this competition, Vaulters will be limited to a short approach. No "If's" "ands" or "Buts"

June 24th/ 25th
QCVA Mystery Bar Competition
In this Competition, Vaulters will not be allowed to pick what heights they jump at. Only the Coaches will know the actual height as the bar will be raised, but onto various pegs and in various increments. This is QCVA's solution to PR Bar fear.
July 3rd
Jammin & Jumpin
Henderson, KY
Entry Fee - $50

The Club travels down to Henderson Kentucky to jump along the Ohio river and see some Freedom fireworks!

July 15th- 16th
Grand Haven Beach Vault
Grand Haven, MI
Entry Fee - $75
The Club Returns to Lake Michigan to soak in the sun and some sweet jumps. The water may be cold, but the jumps will be hot!
July 30th
Hotdog Festival
Frankfort, IN
Entry Fee - TBD

At this event, the pole vault fights for center stage against the likes of other competitions such as hotdog eating, dog long jumping, and best dressed hotdog. With QCVA there, the others don't stand a chance!

August 6th
indy State Fair
Indianapolis , IN
Entry Fee - TBD
At this meet, vaulters run head first towards a giant Ferris Wheel. Vaulters might not be the highest flying object in the state fair, but they are certainly the most exciting!